At Optimum Function Chiropractic we ensure on specifically tailoring your management plan to suit your condition through recognising and optimising your nutritional needs, balancing your body to help you reach your optimum health goals.
Common conditions presenting to our Clinics:
- Back and Neck pain
- Extremity conditions: Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist
- Headaches, Migraines, Tension headaches
- Sporting injuries
- Tendonopathies
- Carpel Tunnel
- Sciatica, Disc Disease
- Arthritis
- Spinal degeneration joint disease (wear and tear)
- Postural Conditons
As a Sports Chiropractor Dr Mohseni is qualified to treat such conditions through a range of Chiropractic Techniques and physical therapy including Mobilisation, Adjustments to the Joints (Spine, Knee, Shoulder), Rehabilitation, Soft Tissue Therapy (Deep Tissue and Trigger point Therapy, active Release, PNF, PIR), Postural/Sports Taping, TENs and Wellness care. Dry Needling, Passive and Active care as well as provide Nutritional Supplementation advice and prescribe active home care exercises to encourage a healthy and active lifestyle.